The Shocking Truth About Metal Allergy

Posted by Intuita Shop on

Metal allergy is something we hear quite often these days but what does it really mean? Does it affect everyone? Perhaps you already know some people who have metal allergies or you have experienced it yourself. Read on to find out everything we know so far and what your options are in Intuita Shop.

If you have been with us, for a while, you know that small team of Intuita consists of 4 ladies and a gentleman.

All four ladies of us love jewelry, especially handmade pieces that doesn't come across the street! What I didn't mention before is that all of us is allergic to metals to some extent!

That could easily mean that it happened randomly that we would end up in the same workplace. But as I started to research around the subject, I realized 3 things:

  • not one of us was born with metal intolerance
  • there are more people suffering from it already, that we would think
  • anyone could develop it, at any time

So how do you know if you have developed intolerance towards metals?

  • your ear might hurt and/or become red when wearing certain types of earrings
  • your belly area breaks out in hives when wearing belts
  • your chest becomes red and/or breaks out in hives when you put on necklaces
  • your finger feels ichy underneath the ring/bracelet that you are wearing

These might only occur with bijou (cheaper metal alloys) or copper/brass since these contain the most nickel+chrome. We, here in Intuita Shop, thought for a while that this could be easily handled with the option of having a wide range of sterling silver (that contains only a very little amount of nickel) ( and bronze (that doesn't contain nickel at all) ( In addition to that we also added some stainless surgical steel jewels that is corrosion resistant (

enamel and sterling silver jewelry

Yet there are still people, for example who can't even tolerate all of the materials mentioned above.

We wanted to be able to provide jewelry for everyone, including on of my friend from high school who recently told me she can't wear ANY type of jewelry that has metal in it - and it doesn't matter if it's surgical steel or gold, she can't wear them (that you can find on the link below or by clicking on the photo).

wood and resin rings

These rings have no metals in them at all! Apart from these, for most of the handmade, designer earrings in Intuita Shop, we offer the opportunity to swap regular ear hooks to either sterling silver, surgical steel or silicone ones!

I hope you found my thoughts on metal allergies useful, if you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a comment below!

If you love our designer products, become our INSIDER: choose from our novelties and buy them at -10% off!

Have a lovely day,

Chloe Nyiri

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